I think it's time for an update on how this challenge is going. I'm proud to say I haven't yet missed a week. Every image might not be the greatest but I did enter one.
Week 7 : Complementary colors
I had found an orange in my fridge that was a bit soft around the edges 🤔. I figured it would be fun to dry slices of it and then use it for this challenge. We have these bright blue plates that would make the perfect counterpart for this challenge.

Week 8 : Flatlay
This really is not my thing. I have no talent for staging a scene.
Since everything in the last months is focused on our move to Switzerland, I figured this would be a nice subject. I bought swiss liquor, swiss cheese, Toblerone and thought it would be nice to combine all that with the travel guide I had bought a while before.
But, how to arrange all that?? I had absolutely no clue.
So I did what feels right to me: simplicity.
I'm not sure about this entry. There are days that I like it. And then there are days that I consider it a total failure. Oh well, better next time!

Week 9 : Abstract
Now this is right up my alley. I like looking at everyday items in a different way. I had several options for this week's challenge but I decided to go with this one because it was the least recognizable.
My husband, who is usually really good with tools and building things, really messed this one up. He was supposed to hang a hook on the inside of the bathroom door. He was still inside the bathroom, hanging other accessories, when I passed in the hallway and saw these things sticking out. Obviously, I pointed it out to him 😇😆.

Week 10 : Negative space
As you all know by know, my style is rather dark. Most people keep telling me to "bump up the exposure a little". But this is me. And I'm not about to change that.
Our Lab mix rescue is full of anxiety. He must have had a sad life before us because after 5 years with us, it's still not gone. Just to say that it's hard to take pictures of him because he will cower away when he sees my camera coming too close 😟. A few cookies did the trick though 😆.
This image looked good in Lightroom but out of LR it's clear that I should have painted the background black instead of just bringing the exposure down.

Week 11 : Texture
The basement in this old house has had some water damage. We fixed the issue but there was some damage done to the lower wood boards of a separation wall. I liked how there were these blackened pieces of wood (it was a coal cellar), mixed with regular wood, and then also some wood-dust. All of that against the texture of the old concrete just looked great to me. I used a speedlight but I'm still learning how to do that correctly.
Yes, we cleaned it up in the meantime. The basement is squeaky clean now ☺️.

Week 12 : Light painting
I was not inspired for this one. We had had a stressful week: we had found exactly one house to rent in Switzerland (no swiss land lord wants 5 pets), and we were waiting to hear back about that.
I did not have any great ideas so my daughter, husband and I were just playing around. We had quite some fun but unfortunately it did not render any great images.
I ended up choosing this one because it represented that state of my mind at that time very well 😆.